I moved into the house in November 1996. I lived in their backyard for about two months. They saw me but said they couldn't have any more cats, and sometimes shooed me away. Then one day they thought my paw was hurt (it wasn't) and they thought maybe I couldn't jump over the fence anymore (I could) so they started feeding me. That was nice but I got so mad because the squirrel that lived in the backyard would eat my food and the birds would peck my head sometimes. I would let the humans pet me but not too much and then one day when they were sitting in the garden I jumped in her lap. She was so surprised and they both started petting me and saying nice things (I knew that would work). Then they started to love me and worry about me being outside (when it rained I would sit on the patio where they could see me and they would say oh the poor thing. I knew that would work too). Then they gave me a name, Sheba, because they thought I was a girl (I wasn't). Then one day they took me to the vet and he checked me and they brought me home. This year I got very sick with urinary tract disease but I am ok now. I know they love me because they dropped a bundle on me that time. Now that I live in the house I get very mad when strange cats go in the backyard and I tell them go away because they can't have any more cats.

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